Dev Log 1: Prototype

  • How did feedback from your concept document help you iterate your idea?
    • The Feedback of the concept document help me to develop the basic movement of the player, together with the platform design. This will help to have an idea of how the level would look like.
  • How did you prototype your core loop?
    • Crude platforming, player's movement , reaching object.
  • What did you understand about developing your core loop through this prototyping process (did it help you figure out anything)?
    • It help to realize what would be the most important mechanics for the game, an how I need to progress, from now on.
  • What tools did you use and why did you select these tools?
    • I use Aseprite to create simple texture for the player, coin, and terrain. The engine used was Godot due to how effective and easier is to  develop rough prototypes.
  • Are there any issues that prototyping your concept brought to light, and what is your plan to resolve these moving forward?
    • I need to create a good combat system, create enemies, a life system, and develop more object that the player can pick up and use

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