Dev Log 3: Beta Build

Looking at the feedback from the previous tests, It was important to take out the things that were more concerned about the gameplay and design, which thing were funny for the players and in which parts they got confused. With that, the corrections and enhance of the game was easier and goal directed, this helps to get a better version of the game closer to the final prototype.

The UI elements on the game are very beneficial to let the player know important aspects like how many live they have left, the quantity of collectible they have and the initial screen to start/quit it. This contributes to the core experience in the aspect that it lets the players know better the core objectives and giving them the freedom to achieve it by progressing along the game.

Some iterations made after the art build test were to remake the art, due to an issue on the scales of the pixels; an improvement on the player movement and camera movement; the use of an attack mechanic that can destroy objects; the creation of UI, collectibles and different screens.

During the iteration from the art build to the beta build, some issues happened during the process. Some of them were more artistic like the scale of the sprites, others were more technical like the movement, the collectibles, the attack mechanics, and so on. But these issues were easier to solve, only taking more time on the artistic issues because I had to draw again the sprites to a better pixel scale (16 bits) for the game.

Some plans to resolve these problems moving forward to the final build would be to take more feedback from this build, correct the issues that appear during this version, take the suggestions that would make more improvement for the game, add more details to the levels, and add the stretch aspect to put more details on the game.


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Oct 23, 2024 50 MB
Oct 23, 2024

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